
Roscoe, Off on the Greatest Adventure of All


desertechoes said...

This picture for some reason just sent me over the edge. I feel like I knew Roscoe, I certainly mourn for him like I did for Anastasia and Emil.
It is not easy to walk the circle of life, and just like the amount of love that our pets give us is so incredible, the amount of grieve we have to go through when they leave is too.
Blesses id everybody who can open their hearts to the friendship of animals - I hope one day all humans can experience that!
Karl's maid charly

Jans Funny Farm said...

How appropriate Roscoe should leave in the Magical Flying Van.

Sassy Kat said...

I agree with Jan's that it is so appropriate that Roscoe go to the Rainbow Bridge in the MFV. I know for sure there will be plenty of adventures for those that haven gone to the bridge.
Until we meet again sweet sweet Roscoe, I love you.